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Upskill your care team with our expert frailty workshop
Unlock your care teams expertise in frailty care
with our expert led  1/2 day workshop and online resource

Elderly woman with her caregiver at nursing home_.jpg

Frailty can be complex and overwhelming!


  • Where can I get expert help?

  • How can I support my team?

  • How can I support my clients living with frailty and complex conditions?


Sound like you?

Benefits to your team and clients



Increased knowledge and confidence

Improved knowledge and confidence in frailty care will enhance your clients and their families experience and quality fo life


Improved health

Improved education and training on how to care for clients living with frailty will enhance their health, reduce infections, falls, trips to hospital


Improved independence

Understanding proactive and personalised care for clients will improve outcomes, improve independence and help clients live  longer living better


We are here to help with expert led education!

Invest in your workforce and your clients with high quality frailty education 

  • Improve confidence and competence

  • Introduce key concepts of frailty to new starters

  • Refresh and update existing knowledge 

Frailty Course

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